June 15, 2021

If You Don’t Do It Now, You’ll Never Do It, and You’ll Always Wonder What Could Have Been

If You Don’t Do It Now, You’ll Never Do It, and You’ll Always Wonder What Could Have Been

Thirteen years ago, after spending his entire career in corporate, Chris Lalomia decided he had had enough. He was drained, stressed, and unable to be his authentically extraverted and present self in his corporate role. He may have had his dream hom...

Thirteen years ago, after spending his entire career in corporate, Chris Lalomia decided he had had enough. He was drained, stressed, and unable to be his authentically extraverted and present self in his corporate role. He may have had his dream home and his dream car, but he wasn’t living his dream life.

Chris didn’t know much beyond that fact that he needed to get out of his corporate job. So he started surrounding himself with successful entrepreneurs in order to conduct some hands-on research. He tried starting a community bank, buying an engineering company and going into construction development before finally settling on an entrepreneurial venture: The Trusted Toolbox. In fact, Chris actually got the idea to start a handyman service from a friend, who casually noted how much Chris loved to fix things!

Tune into this week’s episode of Move Forward Anyway to hear more about Chris’s entrepreneurial vision and how it continues to evolve. Learn how Chris started his business without even realizing it (his business phone wasn’t even hooked up yet!), why you don’t need to have all the details ironed out in order to get your business off the ground, and why Chris never makes major decisions on Mondays. You’ll even get a sneak preview of Chris’s book, FROM THE ZOO TO THE WILD: Your Guide to Entrepreneurial Freedom and Wealth, which you can purchase using the link below!


• “If you don’t do it, you’ll never do it, and you’ll always wonder if you could have done it.” (4:23-4:27)

• “Security is a very intoxicating reality that sometimes keeps us stuck in not living our full life….Fear is a powerful motivator to stay where you are.” (5:05-5:25)

• “The fear of me being 60 going, ‘I wish I could have, I wish I did’...drove me more. One of the definitions of success that I started to develop for myself was I didn’t need the big house, the country club, the fancy car. I need to know that I could use my whole brain.” (5:52-6:22)

• “Corporate America does not reward an entrepreneurial mindset. It does not reward the take-a-chance, the optimism. They always reward pessimism and rearview mirror thinking.” (7:17-7:27)

• “I remember at seventeen telling [my dad], ‘I hope one day to have a business like grandma and grandpa. And he looked at me and said, ‘Hopes and wishes are in Disney and in fairy tales. If you want to do something, you better write it down. And I did!....I had that piece of paper up until my last office move!” (9:51-10:19)

• “My why, my what was not about, ‘Hey, I’m going to be a trainer and help people’s livelihoods.’ My what was ‘I gotta fix some stuff, make some money and get going.’” (17:28-17:36)

• “Find your way to find your play because that passion is going to really work out.” (38:23-38:29)


The Trusted Toolbox

5865 Oakbrook Pkwy, Suite F

Norcross, GA 30093

Telephone No. 770-623-3097

Email: chris@thetrustedtoolbox.com


Order FROM THE ZOO TO THE WILD: https://www.zoo2wild.com/

Instagram: @chrislalomia and @thetrustedtoolbox

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrislalomia


Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing