Sept. 21, 2021

To Move Forward Anyway Is to Remember Christ

To Move Forward Anyway Is to Remember Christ

Adam Griffin never intended to start his own church. After serving many years in the same church, he found himself complacent in his role as right-hand man. It wasn’t until the Lord put him at a crossroads that Adam realized his own insecurities were...

Adam Griffin never intended to start his own church. After serving many years in the same church, he found himself complacent in his role as right-hand man. It wasn’t until the Lord put him at a crossroads that Adam realized his own insecurities were preventing him from achieving his true calling. Four years later, Adam and his wife planted their church, Eastside Dallas, where he currently serves his community as head pastor.

As a people pleaser, Adam has always been risk averse. Any time he would confront the possibility of leading a church, he would immediately shut the idea down in fear of disappointing his people. Adam had to come to the realization that all his fears were rooted in the idea that the church was built on him, and not the Lord; it wasn’t until he accepted that the church belonged to the Lord that he saw his fears as irrational. Taking a leap of faith has allowed Adam to pursue a passion he never dreamt of while bringing him closer to God. Even though he is consistently plagued by pessimism regarding his strengths, remembering who Christ is, what He’s called him to do, and the support of his loved ones is what motivates him to move forward anyway. 

Sometimes your true callings are the dreams that you have been resisting. Tune into this week’s episode of Move Forward Anyway for a humble conversation with Jeff and Adam about overcoming insecurity. Learn more about how God used Adam’s uncertainties to transform him into the passionate pastor he is today. 



• “Being a father, husband and pastor is what I love to do. It's what gets me up in the morning and gets me fired up all day long.”(01:06-01:13)

• “The Lord waking me up to realize no matter what I do, I am not responsible. Whether it's my kids' hearts and salvation or whether it's the people that I'm discipling, it’s the Lord's work. And so, I feel set free from that burden to recognize that's not what the Lord asked me to do.” (06:58-07:12)

• “Sometimes the dream comes from an unexpected place where you maybe even resisted the thought before.” (10:32-10:41)

• “I get to give full credit to God because this has not been something that has been a strategic pros and cons list plan that I've had since childbirth, it's something the Lord has continued to just flower and just blossom in my life.” (13:28-13:40)

• “The way that I move forward anyway is having people around me that remind me what's true about me and what's true about what I've been called to do.” (18:07-18:15)



Get in touch with Adam Griffin:

• Facebook:

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• Church Website:

• Book: Family Discipleship: Leading Your Home through Time, Moments, and Milestones 

• Podcast: @familydiscipleshippodcast


Get in touch with host Jeff Meyer:

• Schedule a Discovery Call with Jeff:


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