Feb. 9, 2021

Write To Remember

Write To Remember

On today’s episode of Move Forward Anyway, Jeff talks with a very special guest -- his wife, Amy Meyer. Amy is the mother of four children, a coach, a world-renowned speaker, and most recently an author of the book Snapshots and Stories. 
Amy has alw...

On today’s episode of Move Forward Anyway, Jeff talks with a very special guest -- his wife, Amy Meyer. Amy is the mother of four children, a coach, a world-renowned speaker, and most recently an author of the book Snapshots and Stories

Amy has always been a writer, but it wasn’t until she was celebrating Jeff’s book launch that her friends started asked her, “So, when are you going to finish your book?” Jeff interviews Amy about her unconventional and joy-filled writing process, and the reason that she landed on a book that combines her personal stories with journaling prompts. 

For Amy, writing her story down was just the impetus to share a love of journaling with the world. She says, “I believe everybody has a story. It doesn’t have to be a dramatic big story, but it’s your story.” Amy often writes to God, but even for non-Christian readers and listeners, journaling can change your life -- from gratitude lists to naming emotions to processing hardship and celebrating joy. 

Tune in this week to learn a little bit more about how you can write to remember - and how Amy’s dream of writing a book opened up new pathways in her life and work. 


  • “Writing slows us down.” (20:03-20:05)
  • “I believe everybody has a story. It doesn’t have to be a dramatic big story, but it’s your story.” (20:45-20:53)


