Oct. 14, 2023

Your Dream in Limbo: The Cost of Deferring Your Ambition

Your Dream in Limbo: The Cost of Deferring Your Ambition

Your Dream in Limbo: The Cost of Deferring Your Ambition
Pursuing your dream is costly. But, have you ever really stopped to consider the cost of NOT pursuing your dream? Don’t put your dreams on hold; it’s time to face them head on!

Once you ha...


Your Dream in Limbo: The Cost of Deferring Your Ambition


Pursuing your dream is costly. But, have you ever really stopped to consider the cost of NOT pursuing your dream? Don’t put your dreams on hold; it’s time to face them head on!

Once you have a dream, it’s hard to ever let it go. It will follow you around like a shadow, and even if you don’t pay attention to it, it will always be behind you. But if you keep trying to walk away from it, eventually it might start to wear on you. There comes a time when we must eventually turn around and face our dreams directly.


In this episode, Jeff shares the real cost of letting your dream linger, keeping it constantly in the side lines. Don’t wait until later, it will only eat you up inside.



  • The difficulties of postponing your dream over and again. Just by pushing back our ambitions, they’re never going to disappear. You have two choices, then: you address your dream, or you let it go completely. Regardless of what you choose, this must be a conscious choice. Don’t stay in the backseat of your own life decision-making..


  • Dreams are buggers. Just like a bulb staying underground for the winter, waiting to rise again in the coming spring. Much like us, they will live. They MUST live! We’ll constantly be feeling that energy within us, constantly trying to rise up to the surface. By not addressing it, we’ll let anxiety, regret, lies, and other negative acts start hurting those around us, and of course, ourselves..


  • Take some risks. Give yourself the grace to pursue your dreams, even if you aren’t sure of the outcome. It’s a very difficult thing to do, however, by facing our problems and our desires head on, not leaving them up to what the future may bring, we’ll be able to take a deep breath and feel content.


If you’ve connected with this episode in some way, leave a review and share your If you’ve connected with this episode in some way, leave a review and share your biggest takeaway with me. And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @JeffMeyer22. If this episode has inspired you to take action, join our community of action-taking successful dreamers at JeffMeyerCoaching.com and take the first step to realizing yours!